Canadian Auditing Standards (CASs)
CASs, also referred to as Canadian Auditing Standards, is a set of guidelines and responsibilities that independent auditors must adhere to when conducting an audit of financial statements. Moreover, these guidelines set out the objectives, scope, authority and structure of the CASs, as well as the requirements and general responsibilities of the independent auditor to comply with the CASs in order to meet these objectives.
What is the purpose of an Audit?
Audited financial statements provide an organization with an enhanced level of confidence and credibility achieved from the opinion given by an independent auditor on whether the financial statements are ethically prepared in accordance with CASs.
Our team of assurance professionals strictly adheres to the CASs guidelines and actively monitors improvements made to the auditing standards for private enterprises so clients stay informed of the latest developments. If you’d like to find out more about our audit and assurance services – and whether they might benefit your organization, please get in touch with us.